15 SGR,PO- Sardarpura Bika

About Us


Education is our passport for future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. AMBITION PUBLIC SCHOOL 15 SGR, PO- Sardarpura Bika is the initiative of multi-dimentional, multi-faced with its roots as deep as seven generation of entrepreneurial and a tradition of commitment and excellence in whatever has been undertaken.Education is not only the ready access to 'off-the-shelf information' but also about the development of critical awareness and the ability to transform what one is given into something more meaningful. Thus, it is a great challenge to use knowledge in this direction.The brain can be trained to achieve this idealistic level with a 'Personal Strategic Plan'. Personal Strategic Plan is a disciplined thought process. It is a map of our course of action. It builds a bridge that narrows the gap between where we stand and where we aspire to be. It involves setting 'doable', practical goals. It breaks the shackles of uncertainty. It facilitates decision making that takes every action into account and calculates every step taken towards the goal. Planning is also key to control, co-ordination and direction.

Dear students, the hall mark of all 'go getters' is a burning desire to accomplish the task, however big or painstaking and scale new heights.

Mr Rajveer Bajiya  Manager OF Ambition Public School 15 SGR, PO- Sardarpura Bika

At AMBITION PUBLIC SCHOOL , our effort has been , to devise ways and means , to make the best use of education , with the aim to attain an empowered human base.The present century is the century of the millennium generation a generation that sees the world that is unusual a world that is bursting with new ideas.

In our materialistic world there is a shift of emphasis from holistic education to education that bring instant economic returns from “ WHO I AM” to “ WHAT SHOULD I BECAME” this is needed a dangerous trend the founder of progressive education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole has been growing in strength and achievement in all dimension of education endeavor from academics to sports , music , dance to art and computer.

We shall move together to explore new depth , overcome hurdles and make a difference in the world.

May god help us, as we take up the challenge.

Mr Virender Singh Punia  PRINCIPAL OF Ambition Public School 15 SGR, PO- Sardarpura Bika